Betekenis van:
ill at ease

ill at ease
Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • in een moeilijke, onaangename toestand verkerend
  • socially uncomfortable; unsure and constrained in manner
"ill at ease among eddies of people he didn't know"


ill at ease
Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • nog niet gewend
  • socially uncomfortable; unsure and constrained in manner
"ill at ease among eddies of people he didn't know"




ill at ease


  1. He felt ill at ease.
  2. I felt ill at ease.
  3. Don't feel sad or ill at ease.
  4. Tom is ill at ease among strangers.
  5. I feel ill at ease with her.
  6. I saw at once that he was ill at ease.
  7. I always felt ill at ease in my father's company.
  8. I am very ill at ease with strangers.
  9. The students were ill at ease before the exam.
  10. He felt ill at ease among prominent scholars.
  11. I feel ill at ease in her company.
  12. I was very ill at ease with those people.
  13. He felt ill at ease in the new surroundings.
  14. She is very nervous and is always ill at ease.
  15. I was ill at ease because I didn't speak French.